About Eucharistic Adoration
“Visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament frequently, rejoicing to keep Him company.” – Pope Saint John XXIII
“Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of love.” – Pope Saint John Paul II
Since 1993, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish has held Eucharistic Adoration. People from throughout the Mahoning Valley come to our church to adore Jesus Christ, present in the Blessed Sacrament. Eucharistic Adoration at Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a fountain of grace for the Church and the community, and a source of blessing for all those who come to spend quiet time in prayer. Please consider taking time out of your week to spend time with Jesus. Come and find rest in His loving presence.
Become A Scheduled Adorer
For more information, or to sign up for an hour of adoration, please call on of our co-coordinators:
Jean Talley 330-758-3337
Maria Panozzo 330-372-5141
Email: olmc343@aol.com
Current Adoration hours at the Basilica are:
Sunday 4pm – 8pm
Monday 1pm – 8pm
Tuesday 8am – 12 noon; 1pm – 8 pm
Wednesday 1pm – 8pm
Thursday 8am – 12 noon; 1 pm – 8pm
Friday 1pm – 3pm
Saturday, 6am-7am
Divine Mercy at 3pm, repose Sacrament
Immacolata, Vergine Bella,
Di Nostra Vita Tu Sei La Stella:
Fra Le Tempeste, Tu Guidi Il Core
Di Chi Ti Chiama, Stella D’ Amore,
Siam Peccatori, Ma Figli Tuoi
Immacolata, Prega Per Noi.
Tu Che Nel Cielo Siedi Regina,
A Noi Pietosa Lo Sguardo China:
Pel Divin Figlio, Che Stringi Al Petto
Deh, Non Privarci Del Tuo Affetto.
Siam Peccatori, Ma Figli Tuoi
Immacolata, Prega Per Noi.
La Tua Preghiera E Omniptente
Innanzi Alo Trono Di Dio Clemente:
Sotto Il Tuo Scettro Iddio S’inchina:
Deh, Non Sdegnarci, O Gran Regina.
Siam Peccatori, Ma Figli Tuoi,
Immacolata, Prega Per Noi.