November 19-21, 9am - 9pm
FREE Admission
Vatican-Approved Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit
At Our Lady of Mount Carmel Basilica | Youngstown, OH

About The Event
Audio, Video AND
PICTORAL presentations
140+ Vatican Approved Eucharistic Miracles
Special Presentation
7 PM Sat. Nov. 19
“Exploring the Miraculous” with Q and A session by expert and author
Michael O’Neill (
Confession – Sat. 11 – 11:45 AM
Mass daily at Noon
5:00 PM Sat. Vigil Mass,
Sunday 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and Noon
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basilica
has been designated a Pilgrim Church
Featured Speakers
About Father Keven Lutz,
Pastor, Holy Family Church, Columbus
Founder and Director of the Jubilee Museum
Fr. Lutz has always had an interest in preserving the history of the Catholic Church. Well before the museum opened, Fr. Lutz was storing religious articles in his home and at the homes of his mother and sister.
“I’ve always had an interest in Church history. The physical art objects tell the story of our human history in a peaceful manner,” said Fr. Lutz. “Art, music, and literature take us beyond the wars.”
Fr. Lutz believes that the museum will continue to grow and be of service to the diocese and beyond. “The future of the museum is very bright. There are many younger priests who have an interest in taking over whenever it is time for me to retire,” said Fr. Lutz.

About Michael O’Neill
Michael O’Neill, author, speaker, and creator of, the web’s top resource on Marian apparitions, is cited in news articles and blogs around the world and throughout renowned Mariologist Fr. René Laurentin’s comprehensive work “The Dictionary of the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary. O’Neill is a graduate of Stanford University and member of the Mariological Society of America, has been interviewed by EWTN’s News Nightly and Bookmark and secular media like Fox News, Live Science and Stanford Magazine. He was a consultant for the National Geographic and interviewed as the Marian expert for NatGeo Explorer. O’Neill served as the expert commentator during the 2010 live broadcast of the media coverage of the first and only apparition approval of a Marian apparition in the United States in Champion, WI. He is the host of the weekly Relevant Radio program “The Miracle Hunter™” and regular weekly contributor to the Drew Mariani Show.

About Tim McAndrew
Tim McAndrew was approached by Mother Margaret Mary to bring the miracles of the Eucharist to the Columbus Diocese because there are so many who do not believe in the True Presence. After much prayer and discernment Tim’s team went to work designing a traveling exhibit that can be taken from parish to parish. The exhibition presents some of the principal Eucharistic Miracles (about 140 panels) that took place throughout the ages in various countries of the world and which have been recognized by the Church. By means of the panels, one can “virtually visit” the places where the Miracles took place. The exhibition has already visited more than one thousand parishes in Italy and in other countries and has been translated into numerous languages. Tim and the Laity for Mercy are proclaiming a profound love for our Lord in the Eucharist, and faith is being rekindled.
For more information about Tim McAndrew and the Laity for Mercy, visit